Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Not A Mutt, Just A Little Mixed

I don't call myself a mutt because I am not a mixture of enough nationalities, instead I call myself a mix. I am a Colombian and Puerto Rican mix born in Bogota, Colombia.
Boricua* Pride

Buy lip liner
The darkest shade
Wear your gold earrings
The biggest ever made

Swell up with pride
No such thing as too much
And scream "BORICUA!" with all your might

Put your hair in a bun
And your bangs over your eyes
And if some chick looks at you wrong
You beat her up right

I am Boricua
I am so proud
But I'm only half
So I'm not nearly as loud

*Puerto Rican

Bogota* Forever

We turn up our noses
We look down on all others
We talk trash about everyone
Including their mothers

Nestled in the mountains
Mighty and tall
Bogota looks down on you
Cali* and all

With our highrise buildings
And culture to boot
We are sophisticated and charming
And good looking too

*Cali is a costal city located in southwestern Colombia
*Bogota is the capital of Colombia

Strange Occurence

How could this happen?
I am so confused
Colombian and Puerto Rican?
This could never be true

Full of traditon and pride
Look down Puerto Ricans
Far and wide

With their funny way of talking
And their music so loud
How could anything like this
Ever be allowed


Where do I start?
Where do I begin?
I'll eat the empanadas*
But the paisita* looks good

I see my family, about fifty or so
Crowded around the food
With a hungry look in their eyes
And a sliver of drool

This is no celebration
Or holiday meal
It's a Tuesday night
And tomorow
We'll eat like this once more

* Empanadas and Paisita are two of Colombias specialties (they're amazing but not for vegetarians)

The Right Mix

A little spice over here
A little sizzle over there
This is the right mix
Let's give a little cheer
I talk not about a recipe
To make some tasty little plate
I talk about me
Haven't you gotten it yet?

If you want to why I wrote these five poems, look at Michelle's blog